Well, little brother is safe. He showed up at mom's with what few belongings he could cram into a rental car, girlfriend in tow (her folks are in Oklahoma). Don't know about everyone else yet, we couldn't get through on the phone lines yesterday.
Boom boom boom. Our house is near a busy street, and I'm so sick of people who think they can't drive their vehicle without sharing their music -- bass -- with the whole world. I'm not impressed that you spent a fortune on an entertainment system that you can only use when you are in the car, and that will be outdated as soon as the next one comes along, and that tells me you are so insecure about yourself that you have to show off to the world that "hey, I listen to music..." idiots.
I guess I'd better go finish that article that was due at 5 p.m. yesterday. But it's so much more fun to write random thoughts....
Day of Thankfulness
5 years ago
Hey Cissy, if it makes you feel any better those idiots live in small towns too. We have several "drive-bys" everyday from those that think we want to hear their music and our windows rattle.
If I had a buck for every time I heard unwanted music coming out of a car driving by my apartment in the last five years, well, I'd have a lot of extra money.
The only time I've really enjoyed hearing loud music around here was when a guy pulled up to a nearby stop sign blasting the big band classic "In the Mood." Some kids on the corner simply did not know what to make of him. Classic!
Why didn't I think of that? Blast them back with great music! I'm thinking the soundtrack from "Oklahoma!" Yep. I've been in OKC too long now.
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