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Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Art, novels, sewing, conferences, scripts, work and police work

What do all those things have in common? I'm in need of finishing SOMETHING. Right now I feel like I'm floundering, so I've started functioning with "to-do" lists. Must finish painting/project for wall art in my office. Must finish quilts, projects started for new grandchild arriving in November. Must finish at least one of the books I have started before the end of the year -- I know they are all best sellers. Must get organized for this upcoming NAHJ regional conference in March. Must finish projects at work. Must finish songs, skits to submit before Oct. 8 meeting of the Gridiron Club for the 2007 script, and must finish sending out news releases, sending photos out, talking to witnesses at store about robbery suspect -- the police aren't trying.

Whew. I'm tired. Think I'll go take a nap before I finish anything... Hey, at least I blogged today.


Babs said...

September is so bizarre. When I have too much to do, I find myself napping, too.

Carmel said...

We should all slow down, huh? I feel another nap coming on.