Someone give me the past 48 hours back, please. Or to be more precise, give me back the 24 hours of the weekend that I’m sure I just threw away by doing nothing more than reading a magazine, looking over catalogues, playing on Facebook (not as much as you think) or watching television.
Yes, yes. I know, everyone needs down time. But somewhere along the way, I found that I no longer can afford to have “down time.” I just don’t know what happened.
When my husband and I had children at home, we were overbooked, overworked and way overcommitted. Yet, we still had time to participate in the children’s activities from school to sports. We had time for work. We had time for our couple time.
Nowadays, all the things I had planned to do at the beginning of the weekend still lay undone. At work, I function with to-do task lists and even break them down into projects and priorities. I think I’m going to have to do that at home.
Maybe then, my closet will find organization and my dining room table will quit looking like the city dump.
I really have to figure out where the time was spent.
Let’s see, I read some great articles. OK, that time was not wasted. I actually learned something!
I snuggled with my hubby on the couch: Time definitely not wasted.
I talked to my son, and both my daughters on the phone: Quality time.
I went to dinner at my sister’s house and hugged both nephews: Definitely quality time.
I went to the garden and helped stuff grow – veggies that we donate half of to a local food pantry: absolutely needed time.
And, I spent time in the kitchen drinking wine and cooking with my husband: more great time spent.
I guess I did more important things than I thought I had this weekend.